Nothing outstanding. Undistinguished old houses. They are painted: the only window in the wall so the roof of a triangle with the stack. The only - zdanitse why it is behind a glass wall, if located in an aquarium. You guessed it, why not? Because of the white house - does not exist.

Venue is Australia: old margin area of Melbourne, street name Tyson. Around one tiny cottages nondescript appearance, however, the area is considered a historical heritage and to be protected by the city council. That is stuck in the street Tyson 300-meter skyscraper can no Australian Gazprom.
And once one of the houses has changed the owner - the structure, together with land purchased non-poor family. The structure of the time completely dilapidated. However, the new owner initially planned to demolish houses and build in its place a normal modern 2-storey mansion, which was entrusted with the design of Melbourne architects of the Bureau of Jackson Clements Burrows Architects.

The customer immediately said that he does not want any trials with the guardians of historic heritage. They, in turn, agreed that the house is not a monument of architecture, or anything like that.
But city authorities have stated that the building makes a significant contribution to the urban landscape "and that new home should be in form, scale and detail in harmony with the surrounding buildings - exactly the same tiny one.

Of course, caught between the hammer and the anvil napryaglis architects. But, you must give them the dilemma resolved brilliant "unreal" a compromise that satisfies everyone. The project was simple title "The Old House."
There are no tricks with the reorientation of the image to create the illusion when viewed from different sides there. Projection here and do not smell. "The right kind of" new-old house has only one point - if you stand to face it, the top of eucalyptus with photographs coincide with a live tree.

The point is that the old house before the demolition, along with the neighboring wall, trees and sky, photographed. Then the photo printed at a scale of 1:1, set exactly at the place of razed buildings, closing the glass wall as a showcase.
Behind the wall of glass, of course, hides the wall normal. And it is a 2-storied posh mansion. Moreover, the glass facade - practical thing, it is hidden the gate garage for two cars.
Front door hardly disguised, but it is not too striking. But the mailbox in front of her disguise - and he out a piece of siding photographed.
"This project - our reaction to the difficulties in establishing the architecture on the sites of historic heritage. We wanted to show what problems arise in the process of approval - is spoken in Jackson Clements Burrows Architects. - In addition, it is our derisive gesture, which may give new impetus to the debate on the design of protected areas. "
My Old House architects nominated for the contest Premier's Design Awards 2006 (on the interior is also a good job) and even joined the short list, but ultimately did not receive anything.

Venue is Australia: old margin area of Melbourne, street name Tyson. Around one tiny cottages nondescript appearance, however, the area is considered a historical heritage and to be protected by the city council. That is stuck in the street Tyson 300-meter skyscraper can no Australian Gazprom.
And once one of the houses has changed the owner - the structure, together with land purchased non-poor family. The structure of the time completely dilapidated. However, the new owner initially planned to demolish houses and build in its place a normal modern 2-storey mansion, which was entrusted with the design of Melbourne architects of the Bureau of Jackson Clements Burrows Architects.

The customer immediately said that he does not want any trials with the guardians of historic heritage. They, in turn, agreed that the house is not a monument of architecture, or anything like that.
But city authorities have stated that the building makes a significant contribution to the urban landscape "and that new home should be in form, scale and detail in harmony with the surrounding buildings - exactly the same tiny one.

Of course, caught between the hammer and the anvil napryaglis architects. But, you must give them the dilemma resolved brilliant "unreal" a compromise that satisfies everyone. The project was simple title "The Old House."
There are no tricks with the reorientation of the image to create the illusion when viewed from different sides there. Projection here and do not smell. "The right kind of" new-old house has only one point - if you stand to face it, the top of eucalyptus with photographs coincide with a live tree.

The point is that the old house before the demolition, along with the neighboring wall, trees and sky, photographed. Then the photo printed at a scale of 1:1, set exactly at the place of razed buildings, closing the glass wall as a showcase.
Behind the wall of glass, of course, hides the wall normal. And it is a 2-storied posh mansion. Moreover, the glass facade - practical thing, it is hidden the gate garage for two cars.
Front door hardly disguised, but it is not too striking. But the mailbox in front of her disguise - and he out a piece of siding photographed.
"This project - our reaction to the difficulties in establishing the architecture on the sites of historic heritage. We wanted to show what problems arise in the process of approval - is spoken in Jackson Clements Burrows Architects. - In addition, it is our derisive gesture, which may give new impetus to the debate on the design of protected areas. "
My Old House architects nominated for the contest Premier's Design Awards 2006 (on the interior is also a good job) and even joined the short list, but ultimately did not receive anything.