Above, we mentioned that each of the nine Bagua areas has its own color. If the color palette of materials and accessories used in interior rooms, coincides with the well-pleasing to each sector of Bagua color, the flow of qi increases.
Positive energy is the ability to change the direction of motion, and you by virtue of its focus in the direction of influence that you need. The table color and Bagua areas you will find in the opening chapter of our book, and symbolism of each color is given below.
In China, red is considered the color of strength, activity and passion. The combination of red and gold (any other symbol of money) in the interior - a valid tool to attract money luck, a symbol of happiness and prosperity. If you want to send qi in the sector of wealth or fame, the color red - the perfect assistant.
Wear red to attract good luck and qi should be cautious. Imaging of red lie in the interior can cause aggression, anger at the person of Fire, plunge into chaos size rennuyu life metal. In turn, the red color does not stand next to a blue and black - symbol of water.
Feng shui recommends a red and shades in the rooms, in one way or another related to the activity (physical or spiritual) to create an atmosphere of inspiration, energy, under the patronage of the fire. Sports and game rooms, kitchen and restaurant - typical examples of such premises.
Accessories "fire" colors enhance every sector of your house, bring dynamism in every sphere of life, add to your desires and determination of optimism thoughts.
In the areas of marriage and family, his presence is desirable, but in small numbers, in combination with other colors, limiting the energy of red, such as white.
Remember that, wishing to wake his partner in a marriage the passion and love, until you can achieve exactly the opposite result: a scandal or a strong flash of anger, which destroys and ispepelit your relationship with your favorite person. Council, warned:
Do not use red staining for gates, doors, windows and oriented in the east and west direction.
Orange - red tint that combines its force with the power of good-yellow. This is a very good color, it has to communicate, has a power of good, well-being and creativity. To attract positive energy into an area of children you can just that color.
Orange color is called knowledge, because it stimulates mental activity, imagination, and has positive effects on the process of remembering the person information. It is advisable to use it for decoration reception offices, living rooms, and rooms for classes (including training rooms educational schools).
Gold - the color metal of honor and respect. In China, the color of the clothes could only be the emperor, his family and chosen from among the courtiers. His warm metallic shine is able to change the mood of people in a positive, optimistic, reinforce a sense of their own dignity, to awaken all the virtuous qualities of the human metal, earth, In-tion. Gold color - the color of money, combined with the red - a symbol of wealth and abundance. Most of the time in a room used to attract money luck, to achieve financial health by fair means (thorough work, diligence, perseverance), in areas of wealth, marriage, children.
White symbolizes purity of thoughts of people, their innocence and insouciance. He awakens the love of detail, science, crafts, requiring thoroughness and accuracy of performance (watchmaker, a pharmacist, calligrapher).
Significance of bright white in Feng Shui is similar to the value of light (sun or artificial): it attracts qi. However, its presence in the house or flat dosing carefully, verified and analyzed from the standpoint of preserving the balance of yin and yang. It is a white room is cold, dazzling in its feel as restlessly as a room where all the colors in the color black.
White refers to the yang, is a certain extreme, which, in principle, disharmonious, unnatural, does not occur in nature (the human eye sees white deck a few gates, doors, windows and oriented in a northerly or southerly direction.
Blue - the color of Heaven, rest and contemplation. The main properties, which are widely used in Feng Shui - the ability to soothe, to humility in the soul, the desire to understand the world and their place in it.
If your house has a room for meditation, the blue perfect fit for her presentation.
To immerse yourself in the reflection of the sky, its fate, Tao and the harmony of the world does not necessarily zatelno sent to a special room. Just choose a subject in the interior wa-affected room, bedroom or even kitchen, which attracts an additional flow of qi and is in you the desire to chew. This could be a landscape or a rug on the wall in shades of blue, blue mat for meditation, porcelain service made in the same colors.
Blue - the color of water, tinted blue. Blue and more saturated, bright colors - indigo - heighten intuition and encourage spiritual craving in the soul of man. They will attract an additional number of qi in the area of family and knowledge. Water Colors are ideal for those rooms in the house, under the patronage of this nature - in the bathroom, toilet.
Green - the color of the tree, associated with spring and growth, a symbol of peace and quiet. This color is calm, appease, treats stress, moderate bitterness, and removes the distress.
In the area of the wealth of your apartment, it becomes a symbol of the profit, growth, family welfare, if you add "the interior of red and gold flowers. In the green zone of Fame would make the flow of qi and harmony in your relationships with others. Yellow-green colors - it is calm and optimistic - the quality of character that will help you achieve success and take their rightful place in society. stepping through the green zone of a career, you get promotions. The green color is suitable for those facilities where people sleep, rest and relax - for rooms in office, living room or dining room, light green is good for the children's room decoration.
Purple color is called mystics, idealists and religious leaders. As you can see, it is closely linked with the spiritual side of life, stimulates the imagination, brings energy and tranquility at the same time, leaves the impression of a number of something unearthly, wonderful, magical. Everyone sees in it something special, but the treats in their own way: one-Fiola tovy leads to thoughts of God, the other stimulates the creative process and inspires noble deeds, the third submerged in dreams.
One obvious - the color sharpens sensual perception of the world, therefore, not suitable for those rooms where people rest (body and soul). It is best to use it to enhance the area's wealth. You will feel inspired, you will visit the new ideas, the flow of positive energy will help to focus and engage in business.
Violet in the area of wealth can add red and green, get the "explosive" symbols: inspiration + energy + progress and optimism. With this capability you will overcome all obstacles and will certainly succeed.
Yellow - the color of sun, fun and good luck. It symbolizes the positive energy. Solar energy gives life to everything that is beautiful on the earth: plants, animals and humans. Yellow stimulates, cheers, revitalizes even the darkest rooms and makes all smile, enjoy life and think only of good.
Incentive properties of the yellow color used in the glory and success to heart. Luck - it is a reward for the optimism, energy and humanity. Use color to attract good luck in your house of happiness, emotional warmth, improve mood, activation of positive thinking.
Yellow perfectly suitable for living room decoration - the spiritual center of your home, where talk and have fun all the family members.
Color - a powerful tool for the Feng Shui Bagua and incentive zones to attract qi. Tion correct and timely use of the interior will bring you happiness, will help achieve success in life.
Rules of Feng Shui to bring good luck using the colors are as follows:
- All the colors relate to either the yin or the yang. Avoid the predominance of one color, I try to tes-create a harmonious palette of colors, since most people feel at home, where the ca-said harmony, which maintained and supported by the natural balance of yin and yang;
- Experiment with the brightness, saturation and intensity of different colors, selects such a combination, which is perfectly consistent with the purpose of the room, your goals;
- Light - Your faithful ally, it will effectively provide the desired color, to enhance its jar-bone or a change in the desired location of the tone (warm, cold). Try to change the room lighting (bright, muted), and notice how the most beneficial to your samochuvst-Wier and mood;
- Each of the colors will intensify a zone of Bagua, a universal means of qi. You efforts are color effect when added to the basic color of its own - the color of his element.
Each of the rooms of your apartment must be unique, have a mood and tell the tastes, habits, characteristics of its owner. Start to "paint" the house in those colors that you like have a positive impact on your samochuvst-Wier. Trust your instincts, and the bright spots, stimulating colors add to the interior as needed.