We are used to subdivide the modern windows on plastic, wood and aluminum. But today in the manufacture of window boxes and shutters are often used a combination of different materials. This engineering solution is designed to combine their strengths and offset the disadvantages. Of course, this greatly increases the cost of the windows, but can substantially improve its performance. What are the combined window, on their technical characteristics and operational properties we describe in this article.
Tree protection is needed
Of course, wooden windows are beautiful and interesting to them, despite the relatively high price today does not weakened. However, practical user wants to be sure that the product is served for many years. Significantly increasing the life of the windows, if you protect the wood parts from the outside by other material, resistant to the effects of moisture and ultraviolet radiation - for example, aluminum.
Close outside the wooden parts with metal brackets were the first manufacturers of windows, built in the roof (attic). Here lining (the so-called salary) perform two functions at once: first, the diversion of water from places primykaniya boxes to the roof, simplifying the work of roofers, and secondly, to protect the wooden parts of the atmospheric effects. For the first time, the salary of aluminum was applied by Velux (Denmark) in 1962, later the linings of aluminum started supplying its products and the leading manufacturers of wooden windows to wall openings.
Wood - a natural, living material. In his undeniable advantage, but consumers are often on the old question the longevity of your wooden windows. To dispel these doubts, we cite a number of arguments. Bearing elements made from an array of engineering, resistant to warping and possess high resistance to torsion and bending. Today's paint systems are able to protect the tree a long time of weathering, but only if a regular (approximately 1 every 2 years) treatment of the special trains. The most effective way to protect the wooden parts are exterior aluminum lining. Estimated lifetime of the window more than 50 years. In addition, the linings help care for the outer surface of the window and through the rigor of their lines to help the new features of the architectural appearance of the building. They, as well as parts of a tree, you can paint in any color, but the life of the cover will be several times higher.
The simplest system is a window with a single flap, ie the Euro, to the lower frame of the box outside attached aluminum profile (it is sometimes known as stalactites and stalagmites), abducent rainwater from the lower junction box and leaves.
A much more effective protection of the windows on the perimeter. In this box, and binding the leaf is fully closed from the outside wide pads that are pre-collected in the frame with the help of special places or fastened to a tree at a time.
Aluminum profiles either in the production process, either during installation window. CREPY their wooden parts in different ways: sometimes in the course of a glue compound spikes, but more often use special plastic latch (clips) or a rotary holder. Those and other pre-screw screws to the exterior of the window. It is important that between the wooden and aluminum parts remained ventilation gap width of a few millimeters. In this case, the tree effectively pays moisture, which comprises of indoor and outdoor air, and less likely that a fungus under the linings.
Sometimes aluminum profile is not simply a protective and decorative cover plate, but also an important structural element - he keeps on the ground glass, that is, performs the function of shtapika (as, for example, in some models Rudupis). This method is called dry mounting pane. In its application, without cost silicone sealant: aluminum profile, and the wooden parts are equipped with leaf contours seal tightly attached to the glazing. Incidentally, it is believed that this method is better than "wet": there is no risk that the area will not seam sealant filled cavity, and replace the glass in the event of damage more easily.
In order manufactured wooden box almost any shape - round, oval, arched, etc. And it does no harm to equip them with protective aluminum brackets: the profiles of aluminum can bend for a given radius, which use a special roll machines. However, such structures could be 2-3 times more expensive than the rectangular window in the same area of the glass.
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