Architectural decoration for country houses

What is the architectural decoration?
Architectural decoration - it cornices, balustrades, columns, window frames and doors, and much more, which allows to make the concrete or brick box in a unique mansion with classic lines give it a personality and style.

Architectural style → RENAISSANCE

In the early XV century. Florence, a new architectural style - Renaissance (from French rebirth) through to its ideology of extreme individualism and rationalism. In an era of RS is the first time the identity of the architect in the modern sense, as opposed to depending medieval masons architect of the shop. There are early RA and a high, first developed in Florence, Rome was the center of the second. The architects of Italy was creatively refocused ancient order system, which is made in the shape of the building proportionality, clarity and convenience of the songs.

Robert was the first architect Filippo Brunelleschi (1377-1446). In his work higher total impact of the main achievements of the era. He first created the palace (palace), which formed the basis for all subsequent architecture, including ours. The main achievement of the Renaissance palace was the final design of floors, as the horizontal spatial layer, designed for life and human activities. The wall for the first time interpreted in the modern sense, ie as geometrically correct partition constant thickness between the internal architectural space and the space outside the building. The windows are treated as the eyes of the building facade - like a person building, ie outside is an internal architectural space. High RS associated with the name of the architecture of Bramante (1444-1514). His Tempietto of all the buildings closer to the R. stands of ancient architecture of organic forms and the full harmonic completeness, based on the golden section proportions. The main achievement of architecture in R. ochelovechenii proportions of buildings.


1. Brunelleski. Palazzo Pitti. Florence.
2. It is the same. Educational Home. Florence.
3. Bramante. Tempietto. Rome.
4. Mikelandzhelo Buonarroti. The dome of the cathedral sv.Petra. Rome.

Coral atoll

How to invent your own island

The area around 140 m2 and has a free layout of the apartment in the newly provided architects opportunities for maneuvers. Customers put the required set of premises (two children's bedrooms, Master bedroom, two bathrooms, kitchen and living room) and explain how they would like to see your home. Since the owners are young, energetic and successful, then the apartment, they said, should look no cozy nest or a castle, and open, dynamic space, where it will be comfortable and interesting, and the owners and their guests. Another was an old dream: a large aquarium with tropical fish.

Limitations that could affect the layout, it was not, not counting the "purely external factor: Neighborhood with great entertainment complex. At night it is not so much turned into a source of noise, but brightly lit, the bay district light projectors and advertising. Therefore, all the bedrooms, it was decided to orient to the opposite side of the complex. And it looks a kitchen and living room windows, so that the damage "illumination" will not hinder.

Thus, the zoning was logical space for a private apartment (bedrooms and bathrooms) and the "public" areas (living room and kitchen with a winter garden), which connects the hall. The private zone is divided into rooms, compactly situated on the left from the input axis. All the same part of the interior is a system of open, flow into each other complex configuration spaces, with staggered relief ceiling and floor (the transition from living room to the kitchen). Bearing walls were not covered in the project, and managed through the gypsum sets to form a small storage next to the bedroom of their parents.

Location of interior partitions and their image in terms reminiscent of bizarre shape coral atoll with deep vdayuschimisya in the shore bays and lagoons. A rugged niches were made and steps walls and ceilings reinforce this similarity. At the very visible place - in the partition between the living room and kitchen - a large aquarium with numerous inhabitants. It is perfectly seen from different sides - from the hallway, living room, kitchen. Aquarium here has turned into something more than just an element of design or fashion. This is a "living pictures" affected the image of the entire interior.

In the beginning

It would seem that the new can bring to the design of such an ordinary flat area, like a vestibule. Meanwhile, the authors of the project showed a lot of ingenuity in the design of the space, deciding a number of decorative and functional tasks.

According to planning, construction project under the house, directly opposite the entrance door, as usual, had a bath and toilet rooms. Straightforwardness such a "functional aesthetics" hardly able to decorate the modern interior. To log in, these facilities do not strike the eye directly to the threshold of plasterboard built a decorative rounded walls with niches highlighted different forms. Now it hidden door leading to the bathroom and bedroom of their parents. A child placed on the left of the entrance to the apartment, behind a wall of the hallway. These are elongated parallel to the entrance area is a corridor. Children removed from most apartments the living room and kitchen. So if parents zasidyatsya late in the "home theater" set up in the living room, sleeping quietly so the children do not go amiss. Room daughter furnished set of DARA (Spain), a situation room of the son is set Mr.DOORS. By the way, worthy of mention practical solutions that are useful for families where there are small children and pets. This is a profound economic washer CERAMICA DOLOMITE (Italy). It is convenient to wash the children's shoes after walking, and dog toys. The sink is installed in the guest bathroom, where it specifically allocated place.

In the heart of the island

Rounded wall opposite the front door sets the direction of movement of the hallway into the living room. On the way inside the apartment is gradually opening up new and interesting details of the interior, the turns and the angle, look at the depth of passion for open space. Finally, the focus is the living room area with the aquarium.

If you do not believe that the missing walls separating the living room from the lounge and kitchen, in general, its configuration is almost not changed. Except for small parts. Each room has bay window, and it was decided skruglit adjacent wall, making the transition from one plane to another smooth. To do this in a corner dish installed decorative wooden panel with shelves. She, like the flip-hanger in the hallway, and shelves for the aquarium, made to order for architectural sketches. Model angular sofa, too, picked the right one, rounded silhouette. As a result, living room has become more gentle, quiet shape. Drawing the circle and repeated at podshivnom ceiling. But everything is together in a composition of contrasting mix of plastic lines and smooth, strictly vertical and horizontal planes.

Through the opening between the kitchen and balcony penetrates fairly light, so this area is always well lit. Therefore, part of the premises, right next to the windows, we decided to give a winter garden. From his own kitchen by a wall protuberances, so that if desired they can retire, but can be considered as part of its lunch area - a kind of "green veranda. In addition, the architects designed garden with tropical plants - is continuing the theme of bringing the natural elements in the artificial environment of urban apartments, which had begun with the installation of "living pictures" - an aquarium. Close to the bulkhead with the aquarium set dining table. Kitchen furniture EVOLUTA is located along the walls, so that the room is a lot of space. Dining area is highlighted semicircular detail suspended ceiling.

Gloss Combination (market survey combined window)

Requirements for windows in our day is very high. This includes the ability to light, and the level of heat and sound insulation, and durability, and ease of use. In addition, the window should look attractive, because it is an important part of the interior and the architecture of the house. Therefore, producers have to always look for new ways to improve the glass constructions. One of them - the creation of the combined systems.

We are used to subdivide the modern windows on plastic, wood and aluminum. But today in the manufacture of window boxes and shutters are often used a combination of different materials. This engineering solution is designed to combine their strengths and offset the disadvantages. Of course, this greatly increases the cost of the windows, but can substantially improve its performance. What are the combined window, on their technical characteristics and operational properties we describe in this article.

Tree protection is needed

Of course, wooden windows are beautiful and interesting to them, despite the relatively high price today does not weakened. However, practical user wants to be sure that the product is served for many years. Significantly increasing the life of the windows, if you protect the wood parts from the outside by other material, resistant to the effects of moisture and ultraviolet radiation - for example, aluminum.

Close outside the wooden parts with metal brackets were the first manufacturers of windows, built in the roof (attic). Here lining (the so-called salary) perform two functions at once: first, the diversion of water from places primykaniya boxes to the roof, simplifying the work of roofers, and secondly, to protect the wooden parts of the atmospheric effects. For the first time, the salary of aluminum was applied by Velux (Denmark) in 1962, later the linings of aluminum started supplying its products and the leading manufacturers of wooden windows to wall openings.

Wood - a natural, living material. In his undeniable advantage, but consumers are often on the old question the longevity of your wooden windows. To dispel these doubts, we cite a number of arguments. Bearing elements made from an array of engineering, resistant to warping and possess high resistance to torsion and bending. Today's paint systems are able to protect the tree a long time of weathering, but only if a regular (approximately 1 every 2 years) treatment of the special trains. The most effective way to protect the wooden parts are exterior aluminum lining. Estimated lifetime of the window more than 50 years. In addition, the linings help care for the outer surface of the window and through the rigor of their lines to help the new features of the architectural appearance of the building. They, as well as parts of a tree, you can paint in any color, but the life of the cover will be several times higher.

The simplest system is a window with a single flap, ie the Euro, to the lower frame of the box outside attached aluminum profile (it is sometimes known as stalactites and stalagmites), abducent rainwater from the lower junction box and leaves.

A much more effective protection of the windows on the perimeter. In this box, and binding the leaf is fully closed from the outside wide pads that are pre-collected in the frame with the help of special places or fastened to a tree at a time.

Aluminum profiles either in the production process, either during installation window. CREPY their wooden parts in different ways: sometimes in the course of a glue compound spikes, but more often use special plastic latch (clips) or a rotary holder. Those and other pre-screw screws to the exterior of the window. It is important that between the wooden and aluminum parts remained ventilation gap width of a few millimeters. In this case, the tree effectively pays moisture, which comprises of indoor and outdoor air, and less likely that a fungus under the linings.

Sometimes aluminum profile is not simply a protective and decorative cover plate, but also an important structural element - he keeps on the ground glass, that is, performs the function of shtapika (as, for example, in some models Rudupis). This method is called dry mounting pane. In its application, without cost silicone sealant: aluminum profile, and the wooden parts are equipped with leaf contours seal tightly attached to the glazing. Incidentally, it is believed that this method is better than "wet": there is no risk that the area will not seam sealant filled cavity, and replace the glass in the event of damage more easily.

In order manufactured wooden box almost any shape - round, oval, arched, etc. And it does no harm to equip them with protective aluminum brackets: the profiles of aluminum can bend for a given radius, which use a special roll machines. However, such structures could be 2-3 times more expensive than the rectangular window in the same area of the glass.

Penthouse on the roof of the bunker gave second wind to the war memorial

Amusing turns sometimes occur in the fate of old buildings. You live your lives, all of a sudden rail zaborchikom, hang a poster "reconstruction", and a year later - the shining mirror windows office. Familiar? But we reverse example. And it does not alter the palace, and something is not a masterpiece of architecture, but quite impersonal bunker during the Second World War.

A strange desire - to buy the old ground bombshelter (Luftschutz-Hochbunker) and turn it into a cozy cottage. But this is how one family came from the city of Hamm (Hamm), in North Rhine-Westphalia. Architecture of the bunkers - is easier nowhere: a concrete cube with walls with no windows and no decoration. Against the backdrop of neighborhood neat houses with red tile roofs - just "a guest from the dark past."
But the new owners liked the thoroughness and bombshelter immovability construction times Reich, and they ordered us Archivolver Bonn architectural alterations. But with a condition: the "building - the historic document" need to treat with reverence.

Chapter Archivolver Michael Amort (Michael Amort) comply with mandate of customers: the building bomb shelters remained unchanged. But on top of buildings appeared monstruoznogo penthouse - Penthouse auf dem Hochbunker.

The basis of design is based on the frame of steel profiles. It has already hang blocks walls, collected from a wooden beam (plus layers of insulation and decorative panel). And part of the premises "flat" met hovering over the walls of the bunker. The impression that "house" on top was flying by and just sat down to rest.

But the more the illusion of independence from his penthouse solid foundation stepped deliberately left an air gap: novodel "if raised above the roof of the shelter. A little bit, but it is enough to provide better ventilation of buildings, put the gap in the cables and pipes, and most importantly - to cause a feeling of flight penthouse over a concrete cube.

At night, this effect is enhanced illumination gap, which creates a light strip, cut a building with "historic" and "advanced" part.

Fermi skyscrapers again try to bring the field in the sky

The idea of urban farms, or farms, skyscrapers, everything does not rest architects. Do not run the first year of controversy about the effectiveness of such structures and their justification in terms of environmental protection. And, apparently, battles are not accidental. Recently there have been several recent projects in this series, one of another bizarre.

Last month, a Canadian company Romses Architects has won in his native Vancouver competition "Challenge 2030" (the 2030 challenge), in which experts were to show their vision of the contribution of cities to fight climate change the world (by reducing emissions of greenhouse gases, of course).

Hearts won the Jury Project Harvest green: vegetables and other fresh herbs, fruits and fish, hens, goats and sheep - all together under the roof of futuristic buildings, capable of turning any abandoned industrial farming technologies in the island of the XXI century.

The overall idea is not new: take more crops with less space, even right in the city limits. There are at least one major argument for: the cost of transportation of agricultural products in the city - not a joke.

The project called - Dragonfly.

This brainchild of French architect of Belgian origin Kallebo Vincent (Vincent Callebaut), already known to us by city-liliyam, saving the world from the flood, as well as a prototype vertical farms and gardens - the air green towers for Paris, Hong Kong and Mexico City.

Erect, the titanic building (700 meters high, along with an antenna, among other things, and on the roof too much - 600 m), he proposed to Roosevelt Island.

At 132 floors "Dragonflies" fit 28 different agricultural land for production of fruits, vegetables, grains, meat and dairy products. If not for the whole city, the nearby Manhattan should suffice.

The space between the wings form a giant glass greenhouses, microclimate, which will be maintained by itself, due to natural ventilation and evaporation of moisture in the sun in summer and warm air in the winter accumulation of transparent walls, double conceived.

Belgian found that imitation of nature helps to keep the temperature at the farm at a normal level in the cold, and heat.

Against the backdrop of the universal struggle for the ecology of this architectural building of the town may well prove more attractive to city dwellers than competing with each other (it seems to infinity), residential and office high-.

But, maybe, except the visual attractiveness of these facilities do not carry any practical use? Compared with conventional farms outside the city limits? Issue.

On the one hand, the growth of agriculture in the world leads to land degradation and desertification. Vertical farms, if not stop this trend, at least slightly soften its impact, thought "revolutionaries." Indeed, to feed all the earth, a pair of triples, such farms in metropolitan areas is clearly not enough. And a pair of Three-thousand, perhaps, too. How on earth has been realized in recent decades, projects vysotok more than 400 meters?

Therefore, some specialists believe that it is necessary to develop the traditional farm and traditional greenhouses (Enjoy in this giant, for example).

Other objections: humanity needs an alternative. And offer to extremes - from artificial forests Sahara (was not yet built) up to an underground farm in the basement of the Tokyo skyscraper (a small - but very real).

Supporters of the traditional approach also recognizes that changes are needed, and gradually move toward ... verticality.