If your home and the interior is necessary to comply with an optimal balance Yin-Yang. To do this in an environment must attend all 5 elements: Fire, Metal, Water, Earth and Wood. How to enhance your item, we deal with here. Again, read carefully.
Setting and selecting furnishings and decorating materials, do not forget about the cycles of generation and destruction. Do you think will be complicated? Not at all. All materials are divided into natural and synthetic. Under the fen-shui, materials such as polymers, plastics, synthetics are the result of scientific and technological progress, and thus belong to the top of Ian. In order not to overdo with Janske kind, it must be taken into account.
It can not be ignored and the appointment of the room. If this study, it allowed a larger number of Yang than Yin, because it is active, male, stirring element. The bedroom and living room, on the contrary, family members will feel better in the presence of objects with properties Yin. They come with a long pile carpets, sofas with velours or velvet upholstery.
Flooring is better to choose from natural materials, the best fit parquet. A wooden objects have a very remarkable feature: they are representatives of all elements, except the people of Earth, because the abundance of wood materials will be burden on them. Piece herringbone parquet better play, the angles are sent from the front door inside the room. This determines the movement of creative energy Qi. Dashboard parquet better buy in the form of a square or octagon.
Now, with regard to the ceiling. The best would be if your ceiling is not higher than 4 and not less than 2,5 meters. If the ceiling is very high, it can be entresol, this unique and flexible, while still more space, and softened the negative movement of energy. Some of the ceiling paint in dark colors to reduce eye. We advise you not to do so, because in vain to create a threat, because the energy of Chi does not like dark colors. Can plastered ceiling in the small figure, his height would be visually minimized. If the ceiling is low, it is not worth it to increase with the help of mirrors. This violates the harmony of the five elements and the smooth movement of energy Tsi.Takzhe not paint the ceiling in blue color (this also applies to ceilings). So you place your head over the water, but this is wrong and can be dangerous for you.
The interior of your home must be thoroughly thought. In places where you spend a lot of time - sleep, read, relax, watch TV - should not have any negative energy Sha. Therefore, do not hang shelves in these places and in every free space to put night stands, tables and other interior items. Avoid the symmetry in the placement of furniture and accessories.
All items that are projections upwards, radiating positive energy, and having projections downward - negative. If you ever live with the objects emitting negative energy, you can mistrimmed and your body. For example, a chandelier with horns upwards is positive energy, a table - a negative, because his legs go down. We need to all strive for balance, then your home will respond to you reciprocate.
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