The task complicated environment: there existing buildings and fences, restricting access to the future of the cottage to direct sunlight. At shading employed luxury high tree, but chop down a beauty, no one was settled, the more so in this place, it was hardly the only joy for the eyes.
Yet Japanese craftsmen of the company's Schemata Architecture achieved the desired effect - have been building, if not the most comfortable in the world, then, in any case, suitable for residence, and most importantly - good lighting inside the natural way.

Schemata Architecture calculated the "magic angle", which was equal to 63.02 degrees. No, not the one under which to throw stones into the river, and the one under which the planners have cut one of the sides is almost rectangular in structure.
This section, which is (in the form above) the angle of 63.02 degrees with the adjacent road, became the main façade of the house, and it is focused almost all of the cottage window (not counting the very small in the other walls).
Glass on the "oblique facade" done simply enormous - from floor to ceiling. So these "63.02" allowed to combine in a decent building floor area with good lighting. Indeed, placement of windows on the wall, looking straight into the street, would not make sense because of the narrowness of the building, but on the side walls - because of the shadows of the buildings-sosedey.Imenno by reason of this strange house rake and was named 63.02 House. But 63.02 is better than just 63's or even 60 - the architects of the Land of the Rising Sun is silent.

I must say that this is not the first example, when the developers of the building had to write it in a very limited area, and it is far from rectangular. The most striking example, perhaps, is the Brazilian private house, the facade of which has a width of just 1.1 metra.Ploschad to 63.02 House has taken on the ground, was less than 25 square meters, the total usable area is the house - 71.4 square meters.
Perhaps a permanent dwelling in such a narrow construction of (the width, you can easily appreciate the image) - not a pleasant prospect. But the mission at 63.02 House several inoe.Eto will rent, lease, or a small "residential office" (SOHO), increasingly popular "hybrid" of working space and accommodation, convenient in some situations. Remember, by the way, nice project Life.lab?

So if you say that Japanese small house is not a masterpiece, we will answer: just need to look at him with the proper perspective. At an angle of 63.02 degrees.
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