If you think that the Local River - a "designer aquarium, it will be only partly right. In fact, the creators of this device running a fish is not for beauty but for lunch. Accordingly, we not only decorate the interior, but the portable kitchen-garden and fish farm!
Have thought this an unusual thing the French designer Mathieu Lehanneur and Anthony van den Bossche. Not to say that the quality of products available in stores, they are not satisfied. But the production of food for themselves, believe Mathieu and Anthony, can bring some benefits the planet.

In their conception, the Local River people will breed freshwater fish. And then, over the water, arranged in "nests" for vegetables and greens, which should "drink water from the aquarium, at the same time cleaning it.
Let the water is no longer running, but at least one similarity with the river has a device - here reproduced the natural ecosystem in which plants get nutrients from fish waste.
In general, there is the principle of "You're me - I command you." How not to recall completely hermetic magic ball with a closed and self-sustaining ecosystem that needs only sunlight?
Here and in the Local River all must balance in a way that was good and the fish, and vegetables. And the owner of Local River - the same: he would be able to produce food for themselves on the kitchen table. How much - this is a different matter. Home - an idea.

On the idea I have to say more. The French built their aquarium-pond under the impression of movement activities Locavores, created in 2005 in San Francisco.
The word that can be translated as "mestnoyadnye" or "lokalnopitayuschie. Four amerikanok caring about protecting the environment, thinking that the delivery of products from other states (and even from other countries) operations can not spend an enormous amount of fuel. This harmful emissions.
Because the girlfriend have decided at least in August, did not have anything that was produced (grown, caught) outside diameter range of 100 miles (160 kilometers) from their home town.
The experience was good, so in 2007-m of repeated, extending even to September.
Now Locavores try year-round is as little as possible to imported products, and as much as possible - local.
By the movement joins an increasing number of people. They make experiments on canning gifts of nature and vigilant in tracking the history of products offered in stores in San Francisco.
This restriction does not lead to a marked impoverishment of the table "mestnopitayuschih. In the 100-mile circle caught, cultivation and production of oysters and mussels, salmon and cod, crab and halibut, sturgeon, beef, cheese and milk, chicken, lamb, fruits and vegetables, mushrooms and wine.
The climate of California and really wonderful. What is there not only to grow. Here in Los Angeles even polushutlivy Fallen Fruit project there, which "fed up" at the expense of the gifts of private gardens. As it happened - we were told.
Mathieu and Anthony felt that the impact of traffic Locavores will grow and his supporters quite like aquarium-ogorodik to produce a quantity of food directly into the city apartment.
By the way, about the popularity of the French Locavores do not exaggerate. According to New Oxford American Dictionary "locavore" was the word in 2007 (see press release of Oxford University).
Interestingly, last year Leanner have been combined in one work of design and "decorations" to the environment and cleaning the environment. And, speaking easier built home air filters, working through the plant.
Call it the invention of Bel-Air (which, we think, and do not need to translate). In addition to cleaning the functions of these capsules were to give the interior a little fantasy and futuristic look.
Inquired as to how the flowers in pots on the air in the room does not affect?
Sure. But the French pioneer of this simple principle of "grown" a device-cleaner with the fan, drive out the air through the building, and with illumination.

In addition, the Parisian designer suggested planted in pots, filters, only those plants that are the most effective air cleaners from carbon monoxide, formaldehyde and benzene, to plentiful supplies us not only to the street, but flat.
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