The new house is difficult to classify. In fact, he refers to the mini-cottages of industrial production, which should only take a seat and place. But the size and type is an "at a camera store (not to say" sarcophagus "), rather than a full house.
On the other hand, the novice does not possess the mobility of trailers and camper holiday. In his journey did not take. Yes, and not on each truck perevezesh.

It turns out that Paco, the so-called this a strange cube is the sort of intermediate position between the houses and cottages on wheels usual size.
The author of this masterpiece of minimalism - Nagasaki Jo (Jo Nagasaka) from the Japanese company Schemata Architecture (while engaged in building a prototype, and other firms, and invited experts).
Paco drew the attention not only laconic forms, but also to lift the roof, which is located in the heart of the only window with frosted glass. It provides natural light inside.
Under the roof hangs hammock, so that after opening the "box" (there is a servo) of its occupant is able to survey the neighborhood, enjoying some sea breeze.

Inside the cottage area is about 8 square meters. Thus, the compactness of the house can not argue with Paco. Perhaps only the British-German Micro-Compact Home.
It seems that in this and not razverneshsya. Is that possible to sleep quietly.
But how much to place on a modest area specialists Schemata Architecture knows firsthand. After all, they at one time entered into the allotted space under the building site, close the house without an angle.
So here: Paco - is not just a roof over your head. The house has a miniature basement, where there is a place to store things. And it is hidden by sliding the toilet and shower. There are sink and sliding table. In space, you can arrange the furniture easy to taste. And the "progress" to add, for example, a portable refrigerator and air conditioner.

The dream of the founders of the house - making it completely free of communal infrastructure. In principle, there is nothing impossible: organize the collection of rainwater or extraction from its wells. Establish waste water for reuse for toilet drain. On the roof mounted solar panels ... and even go on an uninhabited island.
But while design implies a connection of electricity from outside, as well as cold water (inside the house there is an electric water heater), and sanitation. Even here the gas pipe could fail, but Paco mounted a small plate.
What, then, this house is different from conventional, not to mention the size? Its creators say that the stock to a cube, all the necessary pipes and cables - not too difficult. Again, you can always make a compromise. For example, the stock only water and electricity to get to the place (sun, wind), and leave the toilet "bio".
Only two weeks you need to install such a mini-cottage: from clearing the site before putting the house key. And, as written Japanese, in contrast to the traditional housing that - just as easily dismantled and moved to a new location.
Such a "second home in the family" might be useful as a cottage at a constant (or not) the place of rest.
The writer in such a cube may retire far away from civilization to create a landmark novel, inspired by the majestic species. Admirer of diving - for a whole season of a house on the shores of the warm sea. Or, say, what you do not research biologist for the station, watching for wildlife?
Of course, withdraw from Paco nasizhennogo place at the end of just one summer - too costly. But let this house downtime somewhere three or four years, and then - change the situation. For the creative nature or adventurer - that we have.
The main customers of these cottages Japanese, however, sees no extravagant singles, and construction and real estate companies, local authorities, the company employed urban development.
Россыпи such cubes can be replaced in rural areas, traditional hotels, consider the creators of Paco. Those houses may act as a temporary shelter. They allow you to quickly arrange a new resort, with minimal costs to absorb in a case uncultivated land, to build a campus and stuff like that.
80% of construction Paco account details and units expected to be rubber-stamp in large numbers. The remaining 20% allocated to the possibility of adjusting the cube customization. This includes the maintenance, and equipment.
Making Paco from fantasy Jo Nagasaki in lucrative business has taken the company Roovice. It is even ready to receive orders.
The price of "naked" Paco (as you can order any toppings) announced in a $47 thousand, while the "doupakovanny" kitchen, bathroom and other benefits of civilization - in the $ 71 thousand. In doing so, transport, work on the arrangements with local authorities and kommunalschikami - falls outside the scope of this amount.
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